Being able to communicate with your shared hosting supplier if you have any kind of questions or encounter any issues is very important and how quickly they will reply and react could be essential, particularly if your site is business-oriented, as more downtime could mean losing potential customers. The support solutions are, in addition an easy way to identify genuine providers from resellers. The latter typically reply just to e-mail messages or support tickets and you'll have to wait for a day or maybe more in order to get a response. If your problem involves a couple of replies, you'll end up losing days to have a simple problem resolved. When you use an authentic and reliable website hosting company, you'll be able to get in touch with the support at any time and receive an instant reply no matter what the problem or the question is - customer, pre-sales or tech one.
24/7 Customer Support in Shared Hosting
The customer and tech support services for all of our shared hosting plans are round-the-clock, thus you can forget all about waiting for several days in order to receive assistance. In case you are not our client yet, you can phone us, chat with an agent or send an email. In case you do have an account, you're able to open a support ticket on top of the other three ways of communication. You can choose the best way to contact us based on what your location is or what kind of device you are using. We can easily help you for more or less any webhosting-related query that you have or issue that you could encounter and even if you contact us during the weekend or on official holidays, we will be available 24/7. For more technical or time-consuming issues you could open a support ticket, but even then the maximum reply time will never exceed one hour.
24/7 Customer Support in VPS
If you buy a virtual private server from our company, you'll be able to use several different methods of communication to contact our Customer and Tech Support Departments. For general, billing and pre-sales matters, we have several local phone numbers in the United States of America, the UK and Australia as well as a live chat service. When you are an active customer and you want assistance with some technical issue which requires more time to analyze or resolve, you are able to open a support ticket from your billing account or you will be able to send an email and we will handle the trouble and send you a response within 1 hour. The reply time is guaranteed 24/7, including weekends and holidays, however for many issues it takes less than 30 mins to get assistance. The support service covers the VPS plus all pre-installed software it includes, so if you'd like to have help with third-party apps, you'll be able to check the optional Managed Services upgrade that we supply.