If you want to switch hosting firms and you do not have a lot of experience or time, you may find it tricky to relocate your content. Migrating an HTML website involves uploading smaller files to the new server, so it could be easier, but transferring a script-driven site, especially a custom-built one, and linking it to the database on the new hosting platform or migrating databases and emails could be pretty aggravating tasks for some people. As a result, lots of users are stuck with a provider that offers a bad web hosting service just because they don't know how they can migrate their content to a different provider securely while keeping the looks and performance of their sites unchanged. In this light, our hosting packages provide a site migration service, that's totally free of charge, and which will save you a great deal of time and efforts due to the fact that you will not need to do anything on your end.
Assisted Website Migration in Shared Hosting
You can employ of the migration service with any one of our shared hosting packages and in accordance with the particular plan that you've selected, we can move a different amount of Internet sites. As soon as your account is working and you receive the login information for it, you'll be able to contact us through a ticket and our knowledgeable tech support team will move your sites as long as they're currently hosted on a Linux web server. They'll also thoroughly test the sites to make certain that they're working adequately before they let you know that you can change the name servers of your domain names to point them to our cloud platform. The entire process typically does not take more than 24 to 48 hours depending on the number of websites and their size. The service is available regardless of the control panel that you currently use unless you have built your Internet site using a closed site builder platform including Wix, Jimdo or Weebly. We'll also move any kind of website even if it's a custom-made one and not developed with a well known platform such as Joomla or WordPress.
Assisted Website Migration in VPS
In case you sign up for one of our Linux VPS packages, we'll be able to relocate many Internet sites from your current web hosting provider at no additional charge on top of the monthly VPS cost. Since our web servers use Linux, your Internet sites should also be running on this type of a server and they shouldn't be designed via a closed online platform like Wix or Jimdo, but apart from that there aren't any limitations concerning what the sites should be - WordPress, Joomla, OpenCart or custom-built ones. Our expert technical support will start the migration the instant your VPS is ready and you make contact with them. The time period for the migration depends on the number of sites and their size, but in most cases the entire process will not take more than 2 days and this time includes comprehensive assessments to make sure that all sites shall work properly on our end. You could change the name servers of the domain names that you would like to host on the Virtual Private Server as soon as we inform you that the information has been relocated and you will not see any downtime as the exact same content shall be available on both hosting servers.